Everything To Know About AttributeError in Python: Tips to Solve Them

AttributeError in Python

In Python, when you get an “AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘split,'” it means that you’re trying to use a function on a list object which does not exist. This type of error can occur when you’re trying to access an instance variable that doesn’t exist or when you try to call a method that doesn’t exist. In this blog post, we will be sharing some tips on how to solve attributeerror list object has no attribute split errors.

What is an AttributeError in Python? 

An attribute in Python is a value associated with an object. For example, objects have attributes like name, age, and ID number. You can access these attributes by using the dot syntax. For example, if you have an object named my_object, you can access its ID number attribute by using my_object.id_number. If you try to access an attribute that doesn’t exist, you’ll get an AttributeError. 

When Does This Error Occur? 

This error occurs when you try to access an attribute that doesn’t exist. For example, if you have a list named my_list but forget to add the split() method, you’ll get this error message. Additionally, this error can also occur when you’re trying to access an instance variable that doesn’t exist. 

Tips to Find Out the Errors: 

One way to find out the errors is to read the traceback carefully. Another way is to use a Python debugger like PDB or IPDB. These tools will help you figure out where your code is going wrong so you can fix the errors. 

How to Solve Them: 

  • The best way to solve this error is to figure out what attribute or method you’re trying to use that doesn’t exist.
  • Once you know what’s causing the error, you can fix it by adding the missing attribute or method. 

 Tips to Avoid Them in the Future: 

  • To avoid this error in the future, make sure you check your code for any missing attributes or methods before running it.
  • Additionally, it’s always a good idea to read the traceback carefully so you can figure out where your code is going wrong and fix it accordingly.

Why these errors create issues:

The error “attributeerror: list object has no attribute ‘split'” is often seen in programming. It typically occurs when a programmer tries to use the “split” function on a list data type. This error means that the “split” function is not a valid operation on lists.

  • The problem can be solved by converting the list into a string data type before using the “split” function.
  • This issue arises because the “split” function is only designed to work on strings and not on other data types like lists.
  • In order to avoid this error, programmers should be careful only to use the “split” function on strings.

By doing so, they can avoid any potential issues that might arise from using the wrong data type.


As you can see,  there are a few things to keep in mind when you’re working with Python’s AttributeError. By following the tips above, you can avoid this error and keep your code running smoothly.